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Pest Problems? We Have the Solution

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Insects and Spiders

Insects are the most numerous species on Earth. In fact, there are over 200 million insects living on our planet right now. They are arthropods whose body is divided into parts and covered in exoskeleton that can grow into a shell. Insects also have specialized extremities, antennas, and often, wings. There is a wide spectrum of insect species, some of which feed on plants, while others feed on us and our property. Although we mostly see them as harmful, they are actually very important for maintaining the biological cycle of nature.

Commensal Rodents

Rats make up the largest single group of mammals on earth–one-third of the earth’s total mammal population. Several kinds of rats and mice are found around the United States. However, only the Norway rat, the roof rat, and the house mouse are considered important pests around farms and homes. Commensal rodents are not native to the United States. These rodents were imported with European settlers. The Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus – Hollister) and house mouse (Mus musculus – Linnaeus) now occur throughout the country. The roof rat (Rattus rattus – Linnaeus), on the other hand, is found along the Pacific Coast and in the southeastern states from Texas through Virginia.

The most important role of insects and rodents is the one of helping organic matter to decompose. Insects are also the most important pollinizers of plants that are both ecologically and economically important. That may ALL be true BUT, insects, spiders and rodents are not something you want anywhere near you, especially not living with you in your home.

Get rid of insects, spiders and rodents without dangerous pesticides

Peppermint is an aromatic plant that is highly valued both for its medicinal properties and fresh-smelling fragrance. You can simply clean your home, school or office with TweetMint® Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint or you can mix one ounce of TweetMint® in a quart of water into a spray bottle and then spray every insect and/or spider you see and every corner of your home or building, particularly the openings of your doors and windows. If there is something insects, spiders and rodents literally cannot stand, it is the smell of fresh mint. This natural bug repellent will keep all sorts of insects, as well as rodents, away from your home while providing your home with a fresh smelling aroma. Today there are several companies that are selling peppermint sprays BUT, TweetMint® actually works far better than simply a peppermint spray because TweetMint® will quickly and safely kill any insects or spiders that you spray.

TweetMint® Enzyme Cleaner is the perfect household cleaning companion; safe, nontoxic and strong enough for any task. It is biodegradable and will not contaminate people or environment. Experience the awesome power of all natural activated enzyme. TweetMint® ingredients are ALL GRAS and there have been over 380 schools that have removed basically all of their pests simply by cleaning with TweetMint Enzyme Cleaner.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. tanya

    Do you still have your book online? I wanted to recommend your product to some people with mold and rodent problems.

  2. Tyre DeVries

    Yes our free manual, The Best Control 2, is still online. The book can be reached in various ways: through our “Books” tab under the “Shop Now” tab, at, or at To view chapters of the book, simply click on the bold “PDF” letters.

    *NOTE* Stephen refers to a product called, “Safe Solutions Enzyme Cleaner w/ Peppermint”. This is an older name for our current “TweetMint Enzyme Cleaner”.

    – Gage

  3. Peggy Rogers

    I have an oversupply of fruit flies this summer, probably caused by my bird feed and bird mess. I am using fly sticks which are fairly working, but are not perfect. What can I use to kill these bugs and not harm my birds?

    1. Tyre DeVries

      Hello Peggy,

      Sorry for the delayed response! We were out of the country on business!

      There are a few methods for fruit fly control. Here is the link to the Flies chapter:
      The fruit fly section can be found on page 22 of the PDF (page 1146 of the manual).
      Here is a shorter list of controls for all flies:

      Eliminating and removing all fruit & infested materials (food sources) is the first step to fruit fly control. Depending on the location of the infestation, fans should be used to prevent fruit fly breeding. For example, because fruit flies cannot fly through the wind of a fan, leave a fan running 24/7 throughout infested areas; to prevent the flies from laying eggs.

      Routinely cleaning/spraying with TweetMint Enzyme Cleaner and/or Not Nice to Bugs can help to reduce fruit flies. Clean all drains by pouring TweetMint Enzyme Cleaner or Not Nice to Bugs concentrate down drains.

      More tips and tricks can be found in the manual, and information on how to eliminate these pests.

      Hopefully these tips are helpful, if you have any other questions please feel free to call: 616-677-2850 or leave some comments here!

      – Gage @ Safe Solutions, Inc.

  4. Peggy Rogers


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